Monday, June 14, 2010

Pirate Logs from DX Listening Digest 10-23, 10 June 2010

** GREECE. 4854.7, Greek pirate, 2145-past 2300, May 14 and 15, heard by Arne Nilsson, in northern Sweden. As I do not speak Greek I sent the audio to Dario Monferini in Italy and to Zacharias Liangas in Greece. Liangas replied to say that this sounded like Radio Nikolas Dinamitis, but he was unsure of the location (which was not announced). Monferini sent the audio to Francesco Cecconi, in Taranto, who came back to say that this was Stathmos Nikolas Dynamitis, located in Tyrnavos, near Larissa. This is the station´s third harmonic, he said. Usually they are on approx. 1625, now apparently on 1618.2. Thank you Dario, Zacharias and Francesco for checking Arne Nilsson´s audio file (Henrik Klemetz, Boraas, Sweden, DSWCI DX Window June 2 via DXLD)

** OKLAHOMA [and non]. 99.9, the GCN pirate we tracked down in Enid has been heard whenever checked except for one previous brief absence, but it`s gone again the afternoon of June 4, checked around 2010 UT and later during that hour. Still missing at 0125 UT June 5.

99.9, GCN pirate in Enid still missing June 5 at 0530, 1330, 1600 UT chex. They had picked a good frequency to minimize the risk of interference complaints, as it`s used by no real OK station. Altho locally on one of my radios, DX-398, the RDS says I am getting an image on 99.9 from local KOFM 103.1. GCN might have moved and I have not searched the entire band for it elsewhere. That`s the nice thing about piracy; no paperwork to change frequencies. Or if busted, it`ll be a while before the FCC publicizes a NAL, but if FCC-watchers see one concerning Enid, let us know.

GCN Enid pirate on 99.9 still missing, I think, evening of June 5, but I am hearing some other signals, as area tropo enhancement is up with the humidity. Mainly ``Country 99.9 KTCS`` which fancies itself an OK station, 0127 UT June 6 talking about some shindig in Sallisaw, but its COL is nearby Fort Smith AR. FCC FM Query tigermaps are not funxioning when I need them, but longitude of its site 94-40-50 indicates it is in fact an Oklahoma station, about 192 miles distant.

Occasionally KLUR Wichita Falls TX, 177 miles, would overtake it thru nondirexional vertical caradio antenna. Just to be sure these stations were not masking the local low-power pirate, I drove by the site again and was still hearing them, nothing from GCN. The antenna I photographed is still up pointing south.

While I was on the way I tuned thru the entire FM band and did not find GCN anywhere else.

99.9, the GCN pirate in Enid is back after missing a few days, afternoon of June 7 in various chex around 2030-2130 UT with same talkshow YL as when I first heard it. She had visited Australia and admitted to ignorance of timezones by waking up her family back in the USA with phonecalls in our nightmiddle.

Usual spotty signal driving around Enid, including being totally wiped out by stoplite noise downtown. It also has problems with the real AR and TX stations near the borders I was hearing in its absence, so my previous remark about choosing a good frequency, clear in OK is inoperative. Altho it might be hard to find anything better in our overloaded and cluttered FM band (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

From (no specific hyperlink that archives this found):

about 1 hour ago

From this morning’s TRI Newsletter: “Just since mid-May, the New York office has mailed nearly a dozen “notices of unlicensed operation” to operators in Manhattan (at 94.5), Brooklyn (90.5, 102.3), Queens (90.5), the Bronx (102.3, 106.9, 104.5) and even suburbs like Mt. Vernon (101.5).”

A Radio-Info analysis of the FCC database shows plenty of letters being written to operators in South Florida, too. There were pirates in Miami at 101.1 and 95.9, at 98.5 in Ft. Lauderdale and 103.9 in Deerfield Beach. If the operators don’t shut down, they could be subject to a followup letter and investigation – and a $10,000 ine.

Other FCC field offices have recently written up unauthorized FM operations in the San José area and Colorado. Meanwhile, Florida’s unusual state law governing pirate radio led to an actual bust by the local police department last week in Ft. Myers Authorities confiscated equipment and arrested two DJs (via Terry L Krueger, Clearwater, Florida USA, 27.55.83 N, 82.46.08 W Visit my "Florida Low Power Radio Stations" at: DXLD)

UNIDENTIFIED. 5 June: 5099.63, harmonic of Greek (?)pirate on 1549 with Turkic music then LA. Not // 1700 kHz and seems having inner carrier fluctuations (Zacharias Liangas, Greece, DX LISTENING DIGEST)


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